Tech Tuesday Stories | Adapted Teen-Based Overlay
January 2021: Jac

What is the goal/purpose?
Jac's team members' goal in creating this overlay was to create a language-system that was more appealing and appeared more age-appropriate. While a lot of the vocabulary stayed on the system, it was displayed differently. Additionally, we worked with primary communication partners to have a better sense of what peers were saying, what was relevant and what was “hip.” This vocabulary (key and coverage vocabulary) was added and practiced and included images that were motivating and appealing to Jac. As many phrases and sentence starters were included to support quick and effective vocabulary, color-coding was used to create a look/feel rather than to signify different parts of speech.
How is it used?
As texting and messaging were some of the important functions of the overlay, we created role-playing scenarios where we got to practice using the vocabulary to engage in conversation and to text.
How is it accessed?
Jac accesses her overlay via direct selection. We also added it onto a second device for modeling and practicing purposes.